
(for more details – as soon as available – follow the link at the event date)


07. – 09. June =>               German/Austrian Section: Fly-In Dresden – Registration  – Link for information

21. – 23. June =>               UK Section: Fly/Drive in to Leicester EGBG

05. – 08. July =>                Scandinavian Section: Copenhagen, Denmark – Link

05. – 14. July =>                 Post Convention “ The European Quickstep IFFR 2024 Flyaway”  – Link

12. – 14. July =>                  Benelux Section: Grimbergen

22. – 25. August =>           Swiss Section: Fly-In Grenchen (LSZG) / Solothurn – Link

TBD =>                                Italian Section: in discussion Fly-In Calabria (June or Sept)

TBD =>                                French Section: in discussion 8.-15. May Fly around to France Spain Portugal /
                                            in discussion 6.-8. Sept Fly-In Toulouse and afterwards Fly around Event Overview
